What you can see in this photo is Thessaloniki...my hometown. The city in which I was born, the city where I grew up and where I have experienced my "firsts", first birthday,first day at school,first friends,first ride on the bike etc...facts which make the city look precious and exciting and relaxing and magical to my eyes.
I was browsing through my blog searching for comments when it hit me!!!! There is nothing in here about my hometown,about my "patriotic" pride,about my feelings towards my hometown and my childhood memories.
I have never been an easy child. Maybe it was because I was an only child,maybe because I was surrounded by a large family and I was their "Benjamin" so everyone was eager to play with me,maybe because I felt loved, this doesn't change the fact that I have been -and I still am, impossible to cope with. I do remember one day vividly...my father (during one of his rare moments of affection) took me to the swings while my mother was preparing our dinner. All the swings were taken and I had to wait. As soon as one swing was unattended I ran to get it....the swing was still moving and it hit me on the face near my right eye....I ended up with 4 stitches and no scar but as strange as it sounds I enjoyed it tremendously...everybody was in panic,everybody was hugging me and kissing me and for dinner I got to eat pizza and a large ice-cream because me,the "poor thing" went to the hospital and I was in pain....in reality I felt no pain,no pain at all!But it was wonderful to be in the center of everybody's attention!!! Until now...every single time I walk by that park I feel happiness rising in my heart and a smile is being drawn on my face...there are zillion memories like this in this city,which bring a giggle or a goofy happiness....is there any wonder that it is my most favourite city in the whole world?
Nevertheless, the city's qualities do not end with my childhood memories...there is so much more to the city,unexplained and unexplored for those of you who have never experienced living in it...
People prancing on the streets talking loudly (talking,not fighting), taverns with people drinking and eating (this is our psychotherapy...when in trouble,any kind of trouble, you take few of your friends and during dinner after your third glass of wine or retsina you start an endless discussion of what's going wrong while others express their opinion and listen or they make long lists of what's going wrong in their lives! of course,after the fifth glass the verdict is that life is unfair and unfortunate but beautiful!!!!), bars where they play music of questionable origin mixing international and greek hits in strange remixes,mostly unknown to the public,coffee shops where you go to get your morning coffee and end up eating your lunch there,as well, ships that became bars and you can combine a small cruise along Thermaikos and a cold drink, parks where at night "homeless" couples have intercourse, a long coast where the book exhibition is held every May and it creates the perfect excuse for a walk with friends or family, the international fair in September which is visited by all kinds of people and most important of all...smiling people...they accept the facts in their lives gracefully....by smiling.
In a Europe where large cities became unfriendly and "cold", Thessaloniki managed to survive and to grow bigger while remaining friendly. People still say "hello" to each other,people still start a conversation with the others because they just happen to sit side by side,people still making silly comments about the weather...it's 44oC..of course it's hot!!!!
What's not to love about the city? It's not only because my home happens to be here but the whole city creates a home environment for its inhabitants....
My boyfriend visited Thessaloniki once last year and since that time his plans revolve around his next visit and he comes from the magical city "Istanbul"!
Now I am wondering....again....why am I spending my time writing these things when I could be outside enjoying the city?????? Because the air-conditioning feels nice in this internet cafe....and because I wanted to take out on my blog this overwhelming feeling I got....
I feel better now....I feel ready to mingle in the buzzing crowd again.....
Until my next "wondering".....I'll be outside reliving memories!!!!!!! After all I am back in my hometown......